Normal Delivery procedure in India

 Pregnancy is the most significant, alluring, and delicate time in a woman's life. The two stages of pregnancy care are antenatal care, sometimes known as prenatal care, and postnatal care, or care for the expectant mother and the newborn following birth. Gynecologists regularly check both the woman and the fetus during pregnancy to ensure their health and a straightforward delivery. A thorough diagnosis should be obtained during pregnancy to protect both the mother's and the unborn child's health. This involves giving the mother medications and immunisations for the best health of both the mother and the unborn child, in addition to educating and counselling the mother about various topics and how to handle them throughout pregnancy. It's crucial to receive prenatal care, especially antenatal care under the supervision of a skilled gynaecologist, even if you think your pregnancy is going normally. This will help you spot any risks and minimise them.

There are two distinct delivery methods used:

  • Regular Delivery

  • Cesarean section

Let's discuss these two techniques in further detail.

Regular Delivery

A normal or vaginal delivery's phases can be divided.

The first stage of labour begins with the rupture of the amniotic sac. This is known as "water breaking" in general. The amniotic sac often remains entire until delivery. There should be a surge of flavourless, colourless fluid that appears once the water breaks. If the hue is unusual, a doctor should examine it  if it turns green, yellow, or brown.

As the uterus starts to contract and relax, the baby is then pushed out via the cervix. It could occasionally feel like a terrible cramp. Contrary to popular perception, labour pain is not usually indicated by contractions. But if the contractions last an hour or more, you should be aware that labour has begun.

During labour, the cervix helps deliver the baby. At the base of the uterus is the cervix, which opens into the vagina. Up until the moment where the baby can pass out, it enlarges and dilates. The cervical canal widens by up to 10 cm to make room for the baby to enter the delivery canal. Following the baby's entry into the vagina, the muscles and skin are stretched. Moreover, the labia and perineum fully extend. The doctor may decide to safely perform a vaginal incision to hasten the delivery and lessen the mother's suffering if she experiences acute burning. In medical terms this process is called an episiotomy.

The baby's head poking out is the subsequent step. The discomfort will persist even after the pressure and agony have already decreased. The doctor and nurse will urge you to gently push the baby until it is ready to be born.

The final phase is placenta delivery. This can phase can take up to 30 minutes to finish. To verify if the placenta was delivered totally or not, the healthcare provider will inspect it.

At Salubritas MedCentre in India, regular deliveries are painless as it is done by Best gynaecologist in Delhi . Visit the official website or get in touch with Salubritas MedCentre to learn more.

Salubritas MedCenter: Why?

When you look for “Best gynaecologist  Near Me” Salubritas are among the best hospitals These are a few reasons why Salubritas is one of the top hospitals in Delhi for prenatal care:

  • ensuring a smooth surgical procedure and a routine birth

  • a safe and secure setting

  • qualified, seasoned surgeons

  • complete gynaecologist support

  • Prenatal and postnatal care

Make a reservation or stop by Salubritas  now for a smooth and quick delivery by the best Gynaecologist in South Delhi.


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