Obesity: Causes and what can you do to prevent it

Obesity is something that's growing way faster. People are becoming obese drastically these days. Although the reasons may be different for every individual. However, what the statistics show is extremely concerning. 

What is obesity

Obesity is a health condition that causes excess body fat and other serious health problems. Although body fat isn’t a problem, when your body has excess body fat, it may lead to certain alterations in the ways it functions. 

In adults, obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30.0 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Body mass index (BMI) is a calculation that takes a person’s weight and height into account to measure body size. However, BMI has its own limitations as it cannot make out a difference between muscles or bone mass and excess fat. 

The problem with obesity progress over time and can lead to severe health problems. This health condition shouldn’t be ignored, you can contact the best general physician in Delhi to get more insight into the condition. 

What causes obesity

Generally speaking, the cause of obesity is when you consume more calories than your body may use or need. However, there are several other factors that contribute to the cause of obesity which are prominently lifestyle habits as well as other reasons too. Visiting a general physician near me for dietary and lifestyle changes needed assistance would be a lot beneficial. 

The most common causes are;

  • genetics, which can affect how your body processes food into energy and how fat is stored and the natural metabolism rate.

  • Age: growing older leads to a slower metabolism rate, thus gaining weight is inevitable

  • Less sleep: not getting sleeping enough, can lead to hormonal changes that make you feel hungrier and crave certain high-calorie foods

  • Pregnancy:  The weight gain during pregnancy, may be difficult to lose and might eventually lead to obesity.

  • Not being active physically: no physical activity leads to not only obesity but several other serious health problems

Health conditions which can lead to obesity

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), is a condition that causes an imbalance of female reproductive hormones.

  • Cushing syndrome is a condition caused by high cortisol levels in your system.

  • Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce some essential hormones.

  • osteoarthritis (OA) and other conditions that cause pain in the body and thus may lead to receded activity

Types of obesity

The health care authorities use BMI to classify types of obesity on the scale of how severe it is. They include:

  • Class I obesity: BMI 30 to <35 kg/m².

  • Class II obesity: BMI 35 to <40 kg/m².

  • Class III obesity: BMI 40+ kg/m². 

Class III obesity is also called ‘Morbid obesity. Doctors referred to class III obesity as “morbid” because it was most likely to come with related health problems. However, it’s an outdated term now. 

If the BMI is 25 or above then it is an overweight category and 30 or above 30 is considered to be obese.

How obesity is treated 

The treatment plan will be according to a person’s complete health profile. There are medications, surgery or other distinct ways obesity can be treated. However, it all depends on the severity levels of obesity and the other health conditions a person is dealing with. The treatment by a general physician in south Delhi may include;

  • Diet changes: diet changes in order to lose weight is completely up to the individual. However, it is always advised and recommended.

  • More physical activity: this also is for losing weight. Exercising regularly with consistency along with mindful eating will be extremely helpful in treating obesity.

  • Medications: Your healthcare provider may recommend medications to use simultaneously with other treatments.

Weight loss surgery: Weight loss surgery is when there is class III obesity. Class III obesity may lead to other health problems. If you have been diagnosed with class III obesity, bariatric surgery may be an option for you. Surgery is a severe but highly effective solution to long-term, significant weight loss.


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