7 Common Period Myths Busted

As per the leading gynaecologist in South Delhi, with Period myths gaining popularity among the females, spreading the word about period education becomes a necessity. If you are also someone, who has heard about some of the common period myths or believe in them, then check out how we clear up the air that surrounds such myths:

  1. You should not wash your hair during periods

This is one of the most common of all the myths that people falsely claim and believe. The myth has been strengthened by the fact that washing hair during periods can lead to complications during childbirth by resulting in swelling or inflammation in the uterus. But thankfully, this is a myth and washing your hair during periods has got nothing to do with childbirth or pregnancy. A warm shower during periods can help you to feel refreshed, and more energetic and help you maintain good hygiene too. Besides this, it can help with period cramps.

  1. Drinking hot fluids will induce period flow

According to the best gynaecologist in South Delhi, another common myth that is associated with periods is that drinking hot fluids can help to induce your period flow. Though this can be true to some extent, this myth is not supported by any scientific evidence and hence, your period flow depends on your body's hormones.

  1. Pregnancy can not take place when you are on periods

Again this is a huge false claim by some illiterate or unaware people. You can experience pregnancy even when you are on your periods. For a successful pregnancy to take place, sperm needs to meet the egg and fertilise it. Moreover, if you are having unprotective sex on your periods, there are high chances you could get pregnant, as sperm can live anywhere between 3-5 days inside you. So, in case you are not having any plans to get pregnant anytime soon, try protective measures such as condoms, pills or better talk to the best gynaecologist in Delhi.

  1. Tampons can break your hymen

Well, it is because of this popular myth that females prefer using sanitary pads over tampons. There is no scientific evidence that tampons can break your hymen, and even if they do there are a lot many other factors that can lead to rupturing of your hymen. Some of these include intense physical exercise, weight lifting or cycling. So, it's high time that you should start using tampons too as these are not the sole contributor to hymen breakage.

  1. Foods like curd or pickle can interfere with the period flow

Dear girls, if this is what is preventing you from bingeing on your favourite foods when you are on the most painful journey of your month, then stop being harsh on yourself. Unless you have some other health concern, you can consume any of your favourite foods when on your periods to satisfy your weird food cravings.

  1. Girls should stay away from plants or trees during their period cycle

This is an ancient myth that is still popular today even in a highly scientific era. This myth was built on the belief that bad spirits can be attracted by the cyclic flow during periods, but again this is a myth. Trees and plants are better than human beings as these do not discriminate on the grounds of your feminine health and mother nature cares for you as its own.

  1. Girls are impure on their periods and should sleep in a separate room

The best gynaecologist in Delhi says that bleeding is as normal as reproduction or childbirth. It is a blessing that women bleed so that they can reproduce. Girls are never impure even on their periods and should sleep in the same room where they normally do, with their spouse or family whatever so.


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