5 Foods to avoid during Pregnancy

Pregnancy implies additional responsibility on your shoulders. Yodo u not just have to look for your health or nutrition but also keep track of your unborn child’s nutrition. Generally, the leading gynaecologists suggest pregnant females with a diet plan but it is equally important to consider the foods they should avoid or cut off from their diet. Pregnant females mostly tend to focus on the foods they should consume rather than the ones they should avoid. To spread awareness about the foods they should avoid or cut off from their diet, we are up with a list of the foods to avoid, as suggested by the Best Gynaecologist in South Ex.

  1. Processed Foods

Processed foods are loaded with refined sugar, carbohydrates and empty calories. Hence, they provide zero nutritional value to an individual’s diet. These do not provide any benefits to the overall health but rather lead to excessive weight gain, higher Blood pressure, diabetes etc. Hence, processed foods such as chips, cold drinks, bakery, pastries, frostings etc. should be strictly avoided to prevent the risk of developing complications in your pregnancy. Obesity or weight gain can not only bring complications at the time of labour but can also lead to back and knee pain. Such foods can also increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

  1. Intoxicants

We all know Intoxicants such as cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco are injurious to a man’s health. But these are even riskier when consumed during pregnancy, as these are a threat to the baby’s health. These can not only lead to complications in pregnancy by interfering with heart health but also increase the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth. 

  1. Raw Meat

As per the leading Gynaecologist doctor near me, Raw meat comprises bacteria or parasites that can be harmful or the child’s overall health. It can induce neurological, heart or liver problems in the baby. To avoid such a situation it is best to consume properly cooked meat as uncooked or raw meat can be severely dangerous for the child’s growth and development.

  1. Caffeine

When we talk about the foods to avoid during pregnancy, Caffeine can’t be missed out on. We know you enjoy sipping coffee early in the morning or on lazy summer evenings. But not more than your child right. Hence, according to the Best Gynaecologist in South Ex Caffeine should be strictly cut off from a pregnant female’s diet as caffeine can mess up with blood pressure levels increasing the risk of developing complications in your pregnancy. Another major reason to cut out caffeine is that caffeine absorbs and reaches the placenta very quickly. Children's placentas do not contain the enzyme that is needed to dilute this caffeine which can lead to caffeine accumulation. This can further restrict his growth and development, thereby leading to severe complications at the time of labour.

  1. Raw Eggs

A Female Gynaecologist near me advises that Just like raw meat, pregnant females should give up on the consumption of raw eggs. Raw eggs can consist of Salmonella bacteria which can increase the risk of developing infections such as nausea, fever, headaches, digestion problems etc. In fact, in some rare cases, the bacteria may reach the uterus and infect your uterus leading to painful cramps. It can also lead to premature birth. Hence, it is best to cut out raw eggs and consume properly cooked eggs or as is advised by your gynaecologist.


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