7 Signs you are depressed

Are you sleeping more than you normally do? Are you feeling lazy and don’t feel like doing any chores, not even the routine chores? Do you feel anxious all day long? Do negative thoughts haunt you all day long? You have started overthinking trivial matters? Travelling or doing your favourite activities is no longer fun for you? If yes, then here is what you need to know. We are up with seven crucial signs that indicate that you are mentally depressed:

  1. Eating Disorders

If you tend to eat more than you normally did or have stopped eating, then it is a clear sign that you are depressed. Also, if you are craving junk more than nutritious meals then there are higher chances that you are mentally depressed. You can even develop eating disorders or might be dealing with one which can either cause you to gain weight or lose much weight. Such disorders can trigger your depression symptoms and make them even worse.

  1. You have started feeling anxious

If every little thing or situation around you is making you feel anxious or if you are having negative thoughts then these are clear signs that you are depressed. Anxiety issues need to be dealt with immediately and this is when you need to consult the leading Neurologist in South Delhi. If anxiety issues are left untreated for a longer period then this can even lead to major neurological problems which can make your situation worse.

  1. You overthink the worst

Another major sign that you might be under severe depression is that you have started overthinking about the worst possible situation. You overthink almost every little thing or situation. Overthinking can cause more damage than you could imagine. Hence, this can cause severe health problems, which need to be immediately dealt with. Also, this can interfere with your routine activities and jobs.

  1. Irritability or Aggression

Feeling irritated or showing aggressive behaviour unreasonably is a clear sign that you are mentally depressed. Try developing communication with your loved ones or talk to your therapist about the same. Aggression can make you feel very tense and anxious and requires immediate guidance.

  1. Emotional Imbalance

Unbalanced emotions or imbalance of emotions also indicate depression. Overstressing or feeling over-excited in situations are never normal and need medical attention. This can cause you to develop mood disorders which are again a major causative factor or trigger of depression. 

  1. You are having trouble sleeping

According to the best Neurologist in South Delhi, people who are depressed tend to sleep more than their normal routine but the quality of sleep is extremely poor. Quality of sleep is as essential as is the quantity of sleep. It is a depressed state of mind which is making you worry unreasonably and causing you to have troubled sleep. Negative thoughts running through your mind or bad dreams are also possible signs of why you need immediate consultation from a medical professional.

  1. You feel better when alone

If you no longer enjoy being in the company of others and have isolated yourself from people and cut out on your social life, then you need to visit a good Neurology Clinic in Delhi and consult about your thoughts and emotions. It is also a good idea to seek counselling from a therapist or speak out to your friends.


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