5 Effective ways to deal with Depression

With people getting stuck to unhealthy lifestyle habits, the number of cases of depression is rapidly surging. Unorganised day routine, lack of organised sleep schedule, poor or unhealthy eating habits, and work pressure are some of the major reasons why you may feel depressed. Many of you won't even realise that you are depressed until your body informs you it is a form of some kind of ailment or condition. Whatever the case, depression is not a healthy sign and should be treated at the earliest by the Best Neurologist in Delhi

To spread awareness about depression and help depressed people lead a better lifestyle, we are up with some tips that can help people to cope with the signs of anxiety and depression easily:

  1. Start Exercising to fight depression 

Exercising is not only beneficial for toning up the body or reducing weight but it is equally helpful in dealing with the signs of depression. As per the Best Neurologist in Delhi, obesity is one of the major causes that leads to depression among people. Obesity can disrupt the hormone levels of the body and thus trigger depression. So, if you are experiencing depression then the first thing that your neurologist will advise you to do is to start exercising to reduce weight.

  1. Eat what is healthy for you

Your diet is directly linked to your mental health. The best neurologist in Delhi links depression with food and says that consuming refined sugar, trans fat or high caloric foods are the major reasons why you are gaining weight. This works like a chain mechanism, as eating unhealthy foods can make you obese which further results in serious health problems like diabetes, BP concerns, cholesterol problems, female disorders like PCOS or PCOD etc. Such kinds of health ailments can trigger depression and even result in other mental health conditions. Hence, eating healthy should be a priority rather than a necessity in your life. 

  1. Meditation for a better lifestyle

Meditation is known to have several benefits over an individual’s health as well as mental wellness. The leading Neurologist in South Delhi suggests meditation as one of the most crucial methods of dealing with anxiety issues as well as of reducing depression to a great extent. Meditation is known to provide healing benefits thereby relieving one from stress and anxiety.

  1. Your Sleep Schedule Matters

When it comes to building a sleep schedule the quality of sleep is equally important as is the quantity of sleep. You might be sleeping for 7 to 8 hours but still feeling tired the very next morning. This indicates that you are not having quality sleep. Hence, this is when sleep quality should become an essential part of your routine, as lack of sleep or inadequate sleep can become one of the major causative factors of depression. Working on your sleep routine can reduce signs of depression to a considerable extent.

  1. Sneak out and spend time outdoors

Spending time outdoors can be a great remedy for healing yourself from depression. Staying near nature can help in relieving yourself from excessive mental stress, thereby relieving depression.


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