The Role of Gynaecologists Explained

Have you ever wondered, which doctor starts taking care of you before you were even born? In this blog, we are going to learn about them and also learn about all the basics things one needs to know about a gynaecologist and what is to be expected while visiting a gynaecologist.

Who is a Gynaecologist?

Gynaecology is the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and conditions of the female reproductive system. Doctors who study gynaecology are called gynaecologists. It includes the detailed study of the female organs like the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

Role of a gynaecologist

A Gynaecologist specializes in providing medical, sexual and reproductive health care for women. They diagnose and treat issues related to women's reproductive systems. They also educate women about their reproductive health. Gynaecologists are also tasked with conducting routine tests on their patients to minimize the risk for any diseases, infections or disorders. Tests include Pelvic Exams, Pap Smears, Cancer Screenings, along with treatment for various other infections or abnormalities. They may also care for women affected with cysts, or some who may be affected by ovarian, cervical or related types of cancers. Some gynaecologists also provide care during a patient's pregnancy and birth, at which point they are referred to as OB-GYN.

What happens at the visit to the gynaecologist?

  • Checking on your past medical records

  • Diagnosing your symptoms

  • Writing prescriptions for your condition or tests

  • Conducting tests or physical examinations like PAP smear, screening tests, ultrasounds

  • Monitoring of your overall health

  • Consultation on issues related to female health

  • Diagnosing abdominal or pelvic related problems

  • Family planning guidance

  • May refer to a specialist if the complications are severe

Reasons to visit a Gynaecologist:

1. Pregnancy 

If you are trying to conceive, it’s best to make an appointment with the best gynaecologist in South Delhi. The obstetricians monitor your health along with your baby’s health. They analyse your overall health and suggest tips to consider during pregnancy. They also check for all the unexpected problems or complications that you may face during pregnancy and suggest tips to avoid the same like bed rest, dietary changes, walking etc.

2. Irregular Menstruation 

 If you have been struggling with irregular menstrual cycles, you should visit a gynaecologist at the earliest. They will analyse your body hormonal levels and suggest you the treatment accordingly.

3. Breast Exams 

These exams are conducted to determine the overall breast health and to look out for any lumps or cysts.

4. Birth Control Guidance

Gynaecologists can also be visited for seeking assistance on family planning concerns.

5. Bladder infection 

If you have been experiencing pain while urinating, or bloody discharge is noticed, they're advised to consult the gynaecologist as soon as possible. The gynaecologist will conduct a routine check-up to look up for signs of infection, and other problems related to the bladder or kidney and provide the desired treatment.

What all should be discussed with your gynaecologists?

When visiting a gynaecologist, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed about your sexual and reproductive health because it can be difficult to predict what can be considered normal and what may be signs of depleting potential health. 

Some of the things you can discuss with your gynaecologist are:

  • Painful Periods

  • Vaginal Odour

  • Swelling bumps, Inflammation or growths down there

  • Urinary or faecal leakage

  • Abnormal discharge, like change in odour or colour

If you suffer from any of these then it’s best to consult the best gynaecologist in Delhi to prevent any further problems.


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