Epilepsy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

According to a recent report published by the Best Neurologist in Delhi, Epilepsy is one of the most common of all neurological disorders. Epilepsy is defined by a set of seizures that are recurrent and not provoked, rather occurring as a result of some past trauma. These often occur as a result of accidental injury in the brain that has caused disruptions in the chemical activities of the brain. The degree or intensity of seizures may differ for each individual.

Who is at the risk of getting diagnosed with Epilepsy?

Seizures can occur to anyone at any age. However, children in their younger years or elderly people are more likely to get epilepsy. Some of the major reasons, why you may suffer from Epilepsy are:

  • Any traumatic incident that occurred in the past

  • Physical or Internal Brain injury

  • Can develop in later years as a side effect of an injury

  • Can develop in the later stages of life as a result of any neurological condition like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer

What are the Causes of Epilepsy?

Though the exact cause of Epilepsy is not known, it can occur as a result of the following incidents: 

  1. Genetic 

A surgeon of a popular Neurology clinic in Delhi says this is a lesser-known fact that Epilepsy may occur as a result of a genetic defect. Pregnant mothers with epilepsy or seizures may pass on the genes to their children which may put them at the risk of developing any serious neurological disorder or epilepsy in later stages of their life or even in their younger years.

  1. Changes in the chemical activity of the brain

Though most of the time, any accidental injury or past trauma can bring changes in the chemical activity of the brain, resulting in seizures or epilepsy; these can also occur as a result of ageing. 

  1. Brain Infections

Another lesser-known cause of Epilepsy is brain infections. Any kind of brain infection can trigger the brain chemical activity negatively and can result in seizures. Even if you suffered from a brain infection in the younger years of your life, you are still at a higher risk of developing Epilepsy in the older years of your life.

  1. Side effects of Neurological Conditions

Epilepsy may also occur as a result of neurological conditions that you are suffering from, like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, trauma, etc. These conditions which are common during the later years of life can increase the chance of Epilepsy among the elderly.

  1. Complications during birth

 Any kind of complications during pregnancy or birth can also put the child at the risk of developing Epilepsy during the younger or later years of his life. Some of these include lack of oxygen during birth, Intracranial Hemorrhage, poor brain development or malformation of the brain, drug abuse during maternity, poor levels of calcium or blood sugar during birth and so on.

What are the Symptoms of Epilepsy?

As per the Best Neurologist in Delhi, the following are the common symptoms that you may experience during Epilepsy:

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Seizures

  • Confusion

  • Shivering and Trembling

  • Fearing people or things around you

  • Involuntary body movements

  • Losing control over bowel or bladder

  • Difficulty in breathing

These and many other signs can indicate that you are suffering from Epilepsy.

How can you treat Epilepsy?

Though there are no such treatments to completely cure Epilepsy, medications and therapies can be used for treating the symptoms to a considerable extent. These include:

  • Using medications called Anti Epileptic Drugs (AEDs)

  • Therapies

  • Surgical treatment of the brain

  • Inserting an electrical device in the body to control seizures

Though these treatments may result in certain side effects, they are temporary. 


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