Common knowledge about general physicians

“Wear the white coat with dignity and pride, it is an honour and a privilege to serve the public as a physician.”

Generally, people don’t feel the need to visit a physician for common illnesses only because they think it’s simply wasting money and they can get cured at home, but they fail to realize that these common illnesses may result in severe diseases if not cured on time. Hence in this blog, we’ll learn everything about a general physician. 

Who is a general physician?

Usually, a doctor who specializes in general medicine and provides non-surgical care to the patients is referred to as a General Physician. These doctors tend to assess your condition as well as the symptoms and diagnose them and give them the best care possible. “Observation, reason, human understanding, and courage; these make the physician.”

What is the work of a general physician?

As the physician is the first doctor people approach they have a bunch of responsibilities on their shoulders. Some of their responsibilities include :

  • Diagnosing symptoms and causes

  • Daily check-ups

  • Writing prescriptions and testing

  • Checking medical records

  • Counselling patients

  • Maintaining records

  • Overall Treatment

It would be best to consult the best general physician in Delhi if you are suffering from any common illnesses.

What all comes under the care of a general physician?

These are some of the conditions that come under the category of what a general physician focuses on.


It occurs when you face gastric concerns and your digestive cycle gets disturbed. In case of symptoms like bloating, constipation, poor digestion, etc. consult 


People who have a sensitive immune system to some allergens are prone to allergic reactions more easily. If you suffer from symptoms like eye irritation, runny nose, swelling, sneezing, red or puffy nose or eyes,  or any other reaction that you don’t think is normal, you should go and make an appointment with your doctor.

Cold and Flu 

This is quite common during seasonal changes. If you have fatigue, pain, cough, runny nose, fever,  sore throat, shivering, etc. you have most probably caught flu or cold and should make an appointment as fast as you can to prevent your condition from worsening. 


Everyone may face these once or twice, but if you frequently are having headaches then you should get yourself checked. Although in a few cases the cause of headaches remains unknown most of the time these occur due to excess fatigue, stress, tension, skipping meals, alcohol, irregular sleeping habits, etc. 


If you have watery, loose stools and have to take frequent trips to the washroom, you may suffer from diarrhoea. It occurs due to unhygienic or poor eating habits, bacterial infection, contaminated water, menstrual cramps, stress, parasitic infection, etc. It’s best to visit a general physician in case of such symptom

Few Home remedies that help cure these illnesses are:

Common Cold 

  • Ginger soup

  • A glass of lemon juice

  • Onion juice


  • Saffron tea

  • Petroleum jelly

  • Oranges

Sore throat and cough 

  • Basil leaves and ginger

  • A mixture of hot water, honey, and lemon juice

Few other remedies

  • Sucking a piece of clove to avoid acidity problems.

  • A flake of garlic is swallowed with water to prevent stomach problems.

  • Watermelon juice to get rid of headaches.

Though it is better to try these home remedies in case of any common illnesses, it is even best to consult one of the best general physician in Delhi.


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