Spreading Awareness about PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome occurs as a result of some serious hormonal changes in the female body. In other words, the females who are suffering from the issues of obesity and higher insulin levels in their bodies are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with PCOS. PCOS can be much more serious than you could assume. If proper clinical care is not provided the symptoms may become worse over time causing serious health problems. 

According to a trusted Gynaecologist near me, the diagnosis of PCOS becomes extremely difficult in most cases. You might be the one suffering from PCOS and still might not know it. Hence, with the initiative of creating mass awareness, I'm going to discuss the causes and symptoms of PCOS in detail. Let’s get started:

Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS is a common occurrence in the teen years of a girl, and especially the ones who are overweight. Let’s find out its symptoms:

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycle

PCOS accompanies an irregular period cycle. Some girls may experience prolonged or delayed menstrual cycles while many others may experience shorter and painful periods. The painful cramps, followed by nausea and vomiting are a few other common symptoms of PCOS.

  • Anxiety

The females diagnosed with PCOS may experience excessive anxiety or depression. They may feel annoyed or irritated on small matters.

  • Sleep Problems

Sleeplessness or Insomnia is another common symptom of PCOS. You may find difficulty in sleeping which can interfere with your entire sleep schedule. Lack of sleep may in turn lead to the development of other serious health issues like anxiety, depression etc.

  • Mood Disorders

PCOS is also accompanied by mood disorders or extreme mood swings. At times, you may feel extremely upset for no reason and other times depressed. Such patients may also entertain suicidal thoughts, and feel vexed on small matters.

  • Poor Concentration

Lack of concentration on your studies or work is another sign that you are suffering from PCOS. You could daydream about unrealistic things and find difficulty concentrating on your work.

  • Body Weakness

Low energy or lack of energy in your body is another warning sign of PCOS. You may feel fatigued after a small task involving physical activity or you may find difficulty even in completing your routine chores.

  • Appetite changes 

Changes in your appetite, like food cravings at unreasonable hours. Cravings for sugary food or junk is another sign of PCOS. Patients diagnosed with PCOS may end up eating a lot more food than is required by the body.

  • Body Hair

Excessive growth of body hair on the entire body, as a result of higher androgen levels, is another sign of PCOS.

In case you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you can consult any of the 

Causes of PCOS

  • Obesity

A famous Gynaecologist Clinic in Delhi thinks that Obesity is one of the major contributing factors of PCOS. Teenagers with overweight or higher insulin levels in the body may be more prone to developing PCOS, than the ones who are physically fit. The higher insulin levels disrupt the hormones of the body, causing maximum production of androgen levels.

  • Hereditary Factors

PCOS may occur as a result of hereditary factors or genetics. In case you have a family history of PCOS it is likely that you may also suffer from a similar condition.

These are a few assumed causes of PCOS, whereas the exact causes are unknown.


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