Let’s discuss Common Breast Conditions

 Your breasts, which may appear completely healthy and normal from the outside, may not be as healthy from the inside. Are you taking proper care of your breasts? Are you aware of the several diseases concerning breasts? Do you know how to take proper care of breasts? If not, then don’t turn back from this page. In this blog, I am going to share some crucial details on how to maintain healthy breasts, signs you need to visit a trusted Gynaecologist Clinic in Delhi as well as information on diseases concerning breasts.

Common Breast Conditions

Women undergo hormonal changes with age, which also impacts their breast health to a great extent. Most often it leads to the development of some serious breast ailments which are identified at the last stage or its worst stage. Hence, below mentioned are some of the breast conditions and their symptoms:

  • Cysts

The majority of the women experience cysts at some point in their life. But these are most common in women aged above 50 years. Cysts are nothing but a sac-like structures filled with fluids. Cysts can be sometimes painful and other times painless. These can be cancerous as well as non-cancerous depending on the type of symptoms the patients are experiencing.

  • Fibroadenomas

Fibroadenomas are a common occurrence in teenage girls. These are hard lump-like structures that result in abnormally shaped breasts and can also be painful in a few cases.  These appear extremely hard when touched but move freely. These can turn cancerous in a few rare cases.

  • Breast tenderness

Breast tenderness is a common and not so severe breast condition. It can occur among teen girls during or post their menstrual cycle. It can also occur as a sign of early pregnancy or even after childbirth. It eases with medications and massages.

  • Breast Lumps

According to a report published from the best gynaecologist clinic in Delhi near me, lump formation in breasts occurs as a result of age as well as hormonal changes in the female body. These lumps can be felt only when touched and feel pain in a few rare cases only. 

  • Fat Necrosis 

According to a leading Gynaecologist near me, Fat necrosis is a common condition in women with excessive fat accumulation in their breasts. It consists of a painless lumpy structure that results from damaged tissue formation in breasts.

  • Sclerosing Adenosis

This condition can only be traced using mammography or by conducting a breast examination. In this condition, lumps get formed in breasts as a result of uneven and excessive tissue growth.

So, in case you are experiencing lump formation, painful breasts, breast soreness or breast tenderness, changes in shape or size of breasts, you can search for the leading Gynaecologist Clinic in Delhi.

How to maintain healthy breasts?

Maintaining healthy breasts is not that difficult. You just need to follow the below-mentioned health care tips for healthy breasts:

  • Regular mammography exams and tests or checkups.

  • Physically monitoring your breasts shape and size

  • Following Healthy lifestyle habits

  • Regular meditation and exercising

  • Inculcating healthy diet plan

  • Managing your weight

Hence, by following the above-mentioned habits you can easily achieve a healthy routine as well as maintain healthy breasts.


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