Let’s Break the Silence

Breast Cancer can be more depressing than one can imagine. It not only drains you physically, but it can challenge you mentally as well. According to a report published by a Female Gynaecologist near me, most of the women are found to be suffering from severe forms of depression during or post breast cancer treatment. In some rare cases, women develop neurotic disorders as a result of the post-treatment crisis. There can be several reasons behind the depressing state, like fear of death, deteriorating physical self, lack of social acceptance, feeling of isolation etc. This is when the women need to break the silence and fight for themselves.

With the motive of spreading the word on how women can work on mental self-recovery, I am going to discuss self-care tips that women can follow during or post-cancer treatment.

How can you heal yourself mentally post breast cancer treatment?

Most of you may think that medications are the only way out of helping cancer patients heal from their condition. But the impact of this devastating condition can traumatize women mentally, which can’t be medically healed. The Best Gynaecologist in South ex says that recovering from mental trauma requires time, patience and care. 

I am going to share some tips on how you can heal yourself mentally post your breast cancer treatment:

  • Accept Yourself

It's not always easy to accept your body post breast cancer surgery. The permanent breast removal scar, hair loss, weak muscles, dark and dull face, loose skin, and whatnot. The Best Gynaecologist in south ex suggests self-acceptance as the best technique for mental healing. Accepting yourself the way you are is the first step towards healing from mental trauma. You need to learn to accept and embrace your body and physical changes post your treatment. If you will love and nurture your individuality, you will receive social acceptance from society.

  • Speak out

Whenever you think you are feeling anxious or depressed about your condition, it is best to discuss it with your loved ones. Keeping your feelings to yourself or hiding your emotions can be devastating for your mental health. Your unexpressed emotions can trigger you mentally. Hence, it is best to share your feelings with your friends and close ones.

  • Laughter Therapy

Someone has rightly said that laughter is the best medicine. Laughter therapy can be a great help to make you heal mentally. You can practice it at your home or in social groups. You can even read comics or watch comedies to evoke laughter.

  • Counselling

A Gynaecologist doctor near me thinks that Counselling is the best technique of self-recovery. Most of you may find it uncomfortable or face difficulty in disclosing your emotions to your loved ones. This is when a Counsellor can be a great help to you. You can easily open your heart out to your counsellor and express your emotions. The counsellor can guide you in the best way possible. He or she may suggest some good techniques for recovering from your mental state.

  • Meditation

Meditation has proven to be a medicine for almost every disorder or illness. It not only helps you to heal physically but is a great medication for mental healing as well. It cleanses you from the inside by clearing your mind of negative thoughts. When your thoughts become positive, you start attracting positive energy. This will help you to look at the brighter side of your condition.

  • Plan a Vacation

You can even plan for a vacation with your family or friends. This will help you to socialize and keep you distracted from your condition. You may feel motivated in your life.

I hope these self-care tips will help you to recover from your mental trauma.

Stay Positive and Motivated!


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