7 Self Care tips for a Healthy Winter Season

Who doesn't love winter, soaking in the sun for hours in the chilly weather or enjoying your cup of tea or coffee while watching your favourite TV show? Binging on your favourite winter favourite recipes and whatnot. Winter has its perks, but this cosy weather also brings changes in our health and problems like fever, cold, and cough start surging up. Hence, our bodies demand extra care in the winter season. According to the Best Physician in Delhi, we fail to deliver that extra attention and care to our bodies in the chilly winter season. 

In this blog, I am going to share some essential winter care tips, which you can inculcate in your routine. These will help you to protect yourself from seasonal illnesses. 

So, let’s find out what these are:

  • Layering up

Winters are accompanied by a chilly breeze and freezing temperatures. This results in body changes and hence protecting your body from the shivering cold becomes a necessity. It is best to wear several layers of clothing to prevent the cold from reaching your internal organs. A best general physician in South ex suggests that covering your head, ears, hands and feet should be a priority as these are the most sensitive areas of our body that are prone to catching a cold. 

  • Eating Nutritious Foods

As per a report from the best general physician in South Ex, Foods like jaggery, peanuts, dates, figs, leafy greens, fruits, carrots are rich in nutrients and should be consumed regularly. Fruits like oranges, kinu, and tomatoes that are rich in Vitamin C should also be consumed. You can even prepare juice out of these fruits for added benefit. Salads are also a great idea to consume a variety of fruits and veggies. This will help you to increase your immunity power to prevent any chances of catching chronic ailments.

  • Working out

Winters may make you feel super lazy and lethargic, but it is best to indulge yourself in some form of physical activity to stay fit and healthy. Regular workouts may help you to get rid of those extra calories and keep your body toned up. This will help to keep your muscles active in the winters, thereby preventing joint pains.  

  • Soaking in the Sun

It is always preferable to soak your bodies in the sun, in the freezing winter. It not only helps you in staying warm but also supplies your body with sufficient Vitamin D. This keeps your Vitamin D levels checked, and prevents joint pains. It also helps to maintain a healthy bone density.

  • Organised Sleep Schedule

According to a report published by the Best Physician in Delhi, taking at least 8-9 hours of sleep in the winter is important for improved body health. It helps to relax your muscles and helps to maintain a healthy body temperature.

  • Go for a Hot Shower

Hot showers have their benefits. It helps to relax the tense muscles by delivering sufficient warmth to your body. It does help to remove the toxins from the deeper layers of your skin by opening the pores. It aids in building a stronger immune system thereby increasing the resistance of your body against cold, cough and nausea. 

  • Hydration

A top-notch General physician clinic in Delhi says that hydration is the key to preventing several health problems. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out the toxins from your body thereby increasing the body's resistance power to fight any kind of ailments. 

So start following these tips today and have a Healthy Winter Season!


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