Understanding effective ways to trace Neurological disorders

Due to changing lifestyles, every second person is diagnosed with some kind of neurological disorder. Neurological disorders have become as common as acute and chronic ailments like cold, cough and fever. Poor nutrition, Inadequate sleep, an unhygienic environment, mental stress and drug consumption are the major causes of Neurological disorders. The seriousness of these disorders is determined by their symptoms. In case, the individual is facing complex or severe types of symptoms, like forgetfulness, stress, negative thoughts, seizures, migraine, or disturbed sleep it may indicate some serious neurological illness that requires an immediate medical examination.  You can consult any of the leading neurologists by searching for a Neurologist near me in case of any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

In the opinion of a leading Neurology clinic in Delhi, there are certain ways to detect neurological disorders, their type and seriousness by a few tests and examinations. Let's find out:

How to trace Neurological disorders?

CT Scan

A CT Scan is one of the most common methods of tracing a neurological disorder. It uses artificial radiation to detect the status of neurological disorders or other damage. Most of the time, CT Scans are used to trace the development or stage of brain tumours or cysts. They are also used to detect any internal brain injury, or blood clots, tissue rupturing, brain haemorrhage, stroke etc. A CT scan is also used to detect any spinal injury like fractures, or bending of the spine, spinal stenosis or vascular injury. 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is one of the most effective ways of testing the stage or severity of neurological disorders. It makes use of computer-generated radiations and magnetic fields to scan the internal organs of the body to the core. MRI is used to trace brain or spinal injury, bone or muscle damage, development of tumours and cysts. It also helps to track the flow of blood, vascular injuries, multiple sclerosis, haemorrhage or abnormal tissue growth.

During an MRI test, the patient’s body is placed in a long cylindrical cave like a structured machine and an artificial magnetic field is created around his body. Then radio waves are passed through his body to generate powerful anatomical images of the concerned area or region of his body. The test is painless and performed under expert supervision. Due to the strong magnetic field the patients are not allowed to wear any ornaments or carry things like that. The MRI test yields accurate results most of the time.

Positron emission tomography (PET)

Unlike, A CT Scan or an MRI test, a PET test is rarely used. It is also used to detect the damage caused to brain tissues by an accident or external injury, growth of brain tumours and cellular activity. It is also used to track the mental activity or stability of people with dementia, or epilepsy. A PET test helps to generate 2d and 3d images of the concerned area of the brain, by injecting radioactive isotopes into the blood veins. A PET is also painless like an MRI test and is performed under expert technical supervision.

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)

A SPECT is much similar to a PET and involves injecting radioactive isotopes within the bloodstream of the patient. The purpose of the SPECT is also similar to a PET and is often conducted after an MRI for drawing a detailed analysis of the disorder like the development of tumour, seizures, epilepsy, spine fracture, infections etc.

Apart from these above-mentioned common testing procedures, there are certain other tests that may be used for detecting neurological disorders such as Angiography, biopsy Electroencephalography, or EEG, Cerebrospinal fluid analysis, Electronystagmography (ENG) Myelography, Ultrasound imaging, Thermography and Polysomnogram etc. According to the Neurology clinic in Delhi, the type of test to be conducted depends on the type and seriousness of the disorder.


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