Let's extend our support to the specially abled

These days, neurological disorders have become very common among people of all age groups. The type of Neurological disorders may vary for every patient and can be simple or complex. Most of them are not self curable and require medical care and guidance. But there are a few healthy habits that can help mentally ill patients feel better about themselves and also cure their disease to a greater extent. 

In case you are facing symptoms like forgetfulness, trauma, epilepsy attacks, strokes, seizures, hypertension, you can reach out to one of the Best neurologist in south Delhi.

Self Care for Neurological disorders

Adequate Sleep

Your sleep schedule says a lot about your health. Adequate amount of sleep hours are extremely essential for people suffering from Neurological Disorders, as sleep helps to relax the mind and muscles of the body. This even helps people suffering from anxiety issues.

Healthy Diet

A diet, consisting of calcium, protein and vitamins in adequate amounts is what we call a healthy diet. A nutritious diet plays a major role in a person’s mental health as well as on overall well being. Patients suffering from neurological disorders should intake nutritious foods like nuts, milk, eggs, fish, meat, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, oatmeal etc. Junk and oily food should be avoided. The patients should also restrict themselves from alcohol consumption and drugs.

Play Activities

Patients suffering from neurological disorders should engage themselves in mind games like solving puzzles, chess and riddle-solving. This helps to strengthen the nerve cells and improves overall brain health. Their pent up energy is spent in a better way.

Yoga and meditation

Patients diagnosed with neurological disorders should practise yoga and deep breathing exercises regularly. They should also practice Meditation as it helps to calm the mind and relieves stress. It also helps to strengthen the emotions, helping patients to express their emotions naturally.

Community Nursing

Community Nursing aids in curing Neurological disorders to a greater extent. In community nursing, neurological patients meet other mates suffering from similar conditions. This provides them immense mental support and motivation. They feel comfortable in their group and develop social skills.

Trips and Outings

Patients should be taken out for outings at least once a month. Exploring new places helps to relieve them from excessive stress or trauma and they feel more relaxed.

Guidance and Counselling

Guidance and Counselling plays a crucial role in treating mentally challenged patients. Guiding them about personal hygiene, self-awareness, and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle helps them to feel confident about themselves. Teaching them new skills, good habits and helping them to develop hobbies is also a major factor for curing their mental illness.

What triggers your Neurological Disorders?

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Living in dirty and unhygienic surroundings, eating a poor diet, or drinking and smoking can worsen your mental disorders. Spending too much time on screens and not getting sufficient sleep is also a major cause for triggering your mental health.

Loneliness and Isolation

There’s not a greater enemy than loneliness to a man. Feelings of loneliness and isolation make him left out and not wanted by society. The patients lose self-confidence and are incapable of doing something for the good of society. They think that society does not accept them the way they are, which triggers their mental health. They develop feelings of hatred, anxiety and fear of society.

Excessive Stress

Any kind of mental stress or prolonged pondering over the reasons causing stress can worsen mental health even more. Entertaining negative thoughts or looking for reasons that can result in mental stress is another major reason for the worsening of mental illness.

Excellent Neurology Services at Salubritas

Salubritas is one of the most renowned clinics in Delhi, led by one of the Best neurologist in south Delhi, Dr Kadam Nagpal. Salubritas provides all types of neurological treatment for every kind of mental illness, simple or complex. They provide excellent neurological care for mental stress, trauma, dementia, brain haemorrhage, epilepsy, seizures etc.

Dr Kadam Nagpal is not only one of the Best neurologist in south Ex but has expertise in curing even the most complex neurological disorders like schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders. 


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